InCantor’s ParadisebyRussell LimThe Greatest Mathematicians — A Data VisualisationOur modern society is built upon mathematics. And mathematics is built upon the achievements of thousands of outstanding individuals…Jun 18, 202221Jun 18, 202221
InCantor’s ParadisebyRussell LimWhat are the Most Useful (and Useless) Topics in High School Math?Look at these survey results and have your say!Mar 6, 20227Mar 6, 20227
Russell LimHow Much Longer Will You Live?A data visualisation with a message — “Life is short. Make the most of it.”Mar 23, 20225Mar 23, 20225
InCantor’s ParadisebyRussell LimThe Central Limit Theorem — Why Is It So?An intuitive explanation for why sample means should be normally distributed.Aug 9, 20213Aug 9, 20213
InWriters’ BlokkebyRussell LimCreative Genius: Youth vs Experience.At what age did the great authors write their classic novels?Oct 5, 2021Oct 5, 2021
InGeek CulturebyRussell LimUnicorn Founders: Youth vs ExperienceA data visualisation showing the ages of 300+ founders, whose companies grew into billion dollar “unicorns”.Oct 13, 2021Oct 13, 2021
InCantor’s ParadisebyRussell LimThe Web of Mathematics — A Data VisualisationInvestigating connections in mathematics researchOct 17, 20214Oct 17, 20214
Russell LimTop Trending Videos on YouTube in 2021Check out the most popular YouTube videos by country, month and category.Nov 4, 2021Nov 4, 2021
Russell LimBar Chart with Word Cloud Filled BarsUsing D3.js and just 100 lines of JavaScriptDec 3, 2021Dec 3, 2021
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyRussell LimHow to Use Svelte and D3 to Create an Interactive Data VisualisationAnalysing Baby Names: Bar Chart + Word CloudsDec 28, 2021Dec 28, 2021
Russell LimTrending Baby Names from Star Wars, The Matrix, Harry Potter and Game of ThronesWe all have a name. Usually it’s selected by our parents, sometimes years before we are born. But where does the inspiration for baby names…Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021